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Turkish Citizenship by Investment: How Does Egypt Compare?

Comparing Egyptian and Turkish Citizenship by Investment Programs: A Detailed Overview

In the globalized world of the 21st century, citizenship by investment programs has become pivotal for individuals and investors seeking enhanced global mobility, diversified investment portfolios, and improved quality of life. Two programs often under the spotlight are those offered by Egypt and Turkey. This article delves deep into these programs, offering a comprehensive comparison to assist potential investors in making an informed decision.

Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program

Key Investment Options:

  • Real Estate Investment:(E): Acquire real estate valued at a minimum of $400,000, held for at least three years.
  • Capital Investment: Make a fixed capital investment verified to be at least $500,000.
  • Job Creation: Establish employment for at least 50 Turkish citizens.

Egyptian Citizenship by Investment Program

Key Investment Options:

  • Real Estate Investment Pathway: Purchase state-owned or public legal entity properties with a minimum valuation of $300,000. All financial transactions should be internationally verified.
  • Business Ventures Alternative:Invest a minimum of $350,000 in establishing or partnering in a business enterprise in Egypt. Additionally, a non-redeemable direct deposit of $100,000 to the national treasury is mandated.
  • Direct Cash Deposit Mechanism:A non-refundable deposit of $250,000 to the state treasury.
  • Bond Investment Opportunity:
    • 5-Year Bond Investment: A $500,000 deposit refundable after 5 years.
    • 3-Year Bond Investment: An investment of $1,000,000, refundable after three years.

    As Egypt opens its doors to global investors, the Egyptian Citizenship by Investment Program offers various pathways to acquiring citizenship through targeted investments. Each avenue is designed to bolster the country’s economic growth, improve its infrastructure, and enhance its global competitiveness. This program is in accordance with the Egyptian Nationality Law No. 876 of the year 2023.

    Benefits of Egyptian Citizenship by Investment:

    • Global Mobility: Increased travel freedom with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to a wide range of countries.
    • Economic Prospects: Egypt’s consistent economic growth and strategic location connecting Africa and the Middle East offer ample business opportunities.
    • Cultural Richness: Experience the profound cultural and historical legacy of Egypt.
    • Educational Excellence: Access to top-tier international schools and universities.
    • Lifestyle: Egypt boasts high-end living areas, beautiful resorts by the Red Sea, and a plethora of events and festivals to enrich one’s life.

    Benefits of Turkish Citizenship by Investment:

    • Strategic Geographical Position: Turkey serves as a bridge between Europe and Asia, offering unique business opportunities and cultural experiences that span two continents.
    • Strong Passport: The Turkish passport provides visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 111 countries, facilitating ease of travel and global mobility.
    • Robust Economy: With a diverse and growing economy, Turkey offers investment opportunities across various sectors, including tourism, real estate, agriculture, and manufacturing.
    • Cultural and Historical Heritage: Investors and their families can immerse themselves in Turkey’s rich history, from the ancient ruins of Ephesus to the vibrant streets of Istanbul.
    • Quality of Life: Turkey boasts world-class cities, scenic landscapes, and a Mediterranean coastline renowned for its beauty. The cost of living is also relatively affordable, allowing for a luxurious lifestyle.


    • Diversity of Investment Options: While the Turkish citizenship by investment program offers well-established paths, Egypt’s program provides a broader spectrum of investment opportunities, catering to different types of investors.
    • Investment Amount: The Egyptian program offers multiple avenues starting from $250,000, whereas the Turkish citizenship by investment primarily revolves around a $400,000 real estate investment or higher amounts in other sectors.
    • Global Mobility: While the Turkish passport offers visa-free access to 111 countries, the Egyptian passport’s global mobility combined with other benefits like access to the USA’s E2 visa program makes it highly attractive.
    • Economic and Geographical Advantage: Both nations are strategic in their respective regions. Turkey, bridging Europe and Asia, has its unique advantages, while Egypt, as a leader in Africa and the Middle East, provides distinct business opportunities.


    In the landscape of global investment opportunities, the Egyptian Citizenship by Investment program emerges as a frontrunner for numerous reasons. Not only does it offer diverse and flexible investment pathways, but Egypt itself is on the cusp of rapid development, positioning itself as a global hotspot. Its strategic geographic location, rich history, and evolving economic landscape make it a beacon for future growth and opportunities. While the Turkish citizenship by investment program has its merits and is undoubtedly a formidable option, the potential that Egypt promises in the coming years is unparalleled.

    Investors seeking not only citizenship benefits but also the chance to be part of a nation’s transformative journey will find Egypt’s offering especially enticing. In weighing the benefits of both, the Egyptian program stands out as the superior choice for visionary investors. Explore the intricacies and advantages of this opportunity on our Egyptian Citizenship by Investment Services page.

    To find out more, please fill out the form or email us at: info@eg.andersen.com

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Written By

Joseph Iskander - Attorney-at-law

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